The Collaborative Discussion Project
How do we think better together? How does creative, culturally responsive, and critically informed discussions help us to build stronger communities? How might collaborative discussion skills help us to prepare for careers and improve workplace dynamics? How can we discuss better together to solve sticky problems?
The Collaborative Discussion Project is an on-going experiment created by dialogue and deliberation experts, practitioners, and educators to explore these questions. The project includes 3 key components:
The journey so far...
50+ Learning Activities
2300+ Unique Visitors
4900+ Site Sessions
80+ Certified Coaches
New Student Coach Training
Toolkit Workshops
30+ Certificate Programs
600+ Certificates Awarded
12+ Partnering Institutions
20+ Curriculum Contributors
Weekly Newsletter
Monthly Gatherings
...and we continue to grow

Contact Us
Want to learn more? Have ideas for collaboration? Email the Interactivity Foundation's Education Director, Shannon Wheatley Hartman, at
Interactivity Foundation Office
2930 Brookside Circle
Parkersburg, WV 26104
(304) 485-6393