Asking Questions to Promote Curiosity
Submitted by Lori Britt
This activity focuses attention on the intentionality of asking questions. A good question can help promote a rich and meaningful discussion and goes beyond talking “on the surface”.
Learning Goals
Understand what constitutes “good questions”.
Practice developing questions that will surface new insights and perspectives.
Set Up: Prepare for the Activity
Select a complex problem that is important to the group.
Share the Identifying Stakeholders Worksheet as handouts or create copies of the file for each group.
Organize participants into pairs or small groups (3-4 ppl).
Begin by introducing the learning goals of this activity.
Step One: List Stakeholders for a Complex Problem (15 min)
A key way to promote broad knowledge of an issue is to ask good questions. How do we know what good questions are? One way to start thinking about questions is to identify what you assume people think about an issue and then develop questions to explore whether or not that is the case.
Share the complex problem and invite each small group to first create a stakeholder chart for this issue using the worksheet.
Then ask them to answer the following questions:
How do you think each stakeholder defines the issue?
What do you think are their major concerns?
Ask them to also think about and list sources that led them to these perceptions (such as media accounts, personal experience, knowledge they have gained in their education, others).
Step Two: Identify Key Stakeholders (10 min)
Invite each group to think about what questions they can ask each group of stakeholders to help unearth the concerns and hopes they have regarding this issue.
Then, ask them to identify which stakeholders it would be very important to try and communicate with directly regarding this issue. Have each small group write their top 5 stakeholders on a whiteboard, shared screen, or other surface visible to everyone.
Step Three: Craft Specific Questions for Specific Stakeholders (20 min)
Select a few of the different stakeholders listed and assign each small group one of these stakeholders.
Each group is tasked with writing good questions tailored for their specific stakeholder. Highlight that a good question offers insight into the stakeholder’s perspective and helps us to understand how they make sense of the issue.
Share the Question Chart showing a few types of questions that can help support collaborative learning about an issue from stakeholders. Examples oriented around the problem of healthcare are offered to show how participants might write each type of question for a particular issue.
Step Four: Debrief as a Full Group (10 min)
Invite each group to share some of their stakeholder questions. Discuss:
Which type of question was most commonly used? Why is this?
Which question stands out? What caught your attention? What does this question do or make possible?
How would you revise one of these questions to go deeper?
What concerns do you have about asking specific stakeholder questions?
Culturally Responsive Collaboration
This activity can be completed by any discussion group.
This activity is suitable for professional or more formal learning environments.
This activity can be used to support facilitation skills. See Sample Facilitation Certificate Program Design to illustrate sample sequencing.
Tell us what you think. Rate and review this activity:
Have any helpful suggestions or modifications for this activity?
Share them in the comments below!
Sovi Herring
May 30, 2024 at 6:42:10 PM
This activity is great when a group is comfortable sharing thoughts--but it is modified to be more introspective at first. There are two versions of this, one to recognize "normalized" feelings, the other is labeled "extreme" as the group was practicing navigating high emotion. This first one covers parents, cats, dogs: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IvLsBe_FtDG6twalxiKxBHEdt99gJR1V/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113770591818162655510&rtpof=true&sd=true This one is to recognize more difficult to talk about feelings of fear, disgust, etc.: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NkZoBCJ3iI5VbkqmjqVuW-_I36MBASOW/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113770591818162655510&rtpof=true&sd=true
Sovi Herring
May 30, 2024 at 6:28:11 PM
This activity was modified for a Business & Professional Communication class. It is best when the groups have gone through the guidelines activity to help facilitate how to communicate and even the 3.4 ambiguity. This is a difficult activity if the class is uncomfortable speaking (and in my case they were very adverse to discussing these in any group). Here is how I set it up (along with a print out of the words). It is modified to fit the business world, but worked well as a concept. https://liveduq-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/herrings1_duq_edu/EWr2jxM5HLlNmgWvYA43gwwBmoBYJP9juGJDD4m1M2H0BQ?e=TYnsVb
May 28, 2024 at 1:33:05 AM
May 28, 2024 at 1:31:01 AM
February 14, 2024 at 1:03:34 AM